About the Journal
Journal Title | : Frasa: English Education and Literature Journal |
Journal Initials | : frasa |
ISSN (Online) | : 2807-8195 |
DOI Prefix | : 10.47701 |
Type of Peer-Review | : Single-Blind |
Frequency | : Semi Annually (March and September) |
Editor in Chief | : Ratini Setyowati, S.Pd., M.A., SINTA ID: 6119807 |
Publisher | : Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta |
Abstracting & Indexing | : DOAJ, Crossref, Garuda Google Scholar (Indexing) |
Current Issue
FRASA: English Education and Literature Journal is a scholarly publication dedicated to the exploration of English education, literature, and linguistics. The journal, with the initials "frasa" and the online ISSN 2807-8195, is published semi-annually in March and September by Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta. It operates under a single-blind peer-review system, ensuring the high quality and integrity of the published work.
The scope of the journal encompasses a wide range of topics within the fields of English education, literature, and linguistics. This includes, but is not limited to, research on language learning and teaching, literary analysis, and various aspects of linguistics such as phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and discourse.
Frasa: English Education and Literature Journal is published by Faculty of Law and Business, Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta in cooperation with Perkumpulan Dosen Bahasa Inggris Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia (PDBI KEMENAG RI), Persaudaraan Dosen Republik Indonesia Wilayah Jawa Tengah (PDRI Wilayah Jawa Tengah), and American Studies Society of Indonesia (ASSINDO).
Frasa: English Education and Literature Journal has been indexed by DOAJ, Google Scholar, Dimensions, and Garuda. This journal has been the member of Crossref. Thus, all articles published in this journal will have a unique DOI number.