
  • Vety Cahyati
  • Hendra Rohman
  • Else Prihatinsi Nurcahyati


Efficiency, Policy, Medical Record


Perhitungan efisiensi penggunaan tempat tidur dihitung menggunakan parameter Barber Johnson yaituBOR, LOS, TOI, dan BTO. Indikator digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat efektivitas kebijakan rumah sakit. Data yang diperoleh dari Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Polda DIY, letak keempat titik parameter berada di luar daerah efisien. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui tingkat efektivitas kebijakan rumah sakit dilihat dari grafik Barber Johnson tahun 2016 dan2017. Jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan rancangan case study. Subjek penelitianpetugas pelaporan, petugas bangsal rawat inap, dan pimpinan rumah sakit,objek penelitian menggunakan kebijakan rumah sakit dan data statistik tahun 2016 dan2017.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan indikator rawat inap di rumah sakit tahun 2016 dan2017 menunjukkan bahwa nilai BOR tahun 2016 33,17%, LOS 3,5 hari, TOI 7,1 hari, BTO 34,6 kali dan tahun 2017 nilai BOR 47,7%, LOS  3,4 hari, TOI 3,8 hari, BTO 50,6 kali. Kebijakan pelayanan rawat inap di rumah sakit berupa inputdata pasien secara realtime dan kebijakan pemberlakuan SIMRS. Dilihat dari kebijakan sumber daya manusia, sarana prsarana dan sistem terdapat kekurangan. Penyebab penetapan kebijakan terkait efisiensi disebabkan nilai BOR rendah. Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Polda DIY melakukan pemerataan bed bangsal rawat inap, penambahan peralatan kesehatan yang lebihmutakhir, dan petugas rekam medisdiikut sertakan dalam kegiatan pelatihan dan seminar.

Kata kunci: Efisiensi, Kebijakan, Rekam Medis


Calculation of efficiency use of beds was calculated using Barber Johnson parameters, namely BOR, LOS, TOI, and BTO. Indicators were used to determine the level of effectiveness of hospital policies. Data obtained from Bhayangkara Polda DIY Hospital, the location of the four parameter points was outside the efficient area. The research objective was to determine the effectiveness of hospital policies seen from Barber Johnson charts in 2016 and 2017. The type of study was qualitative descriptive with a case study design. The research subjects were reporting officers, inpatient ward officers, and hospital leaders, the object of the study used hospital policies and statistical data in 2016 and 2017. The results of the study showed indicators of hospitalizations in hospitals in 2016 and 2017 showed that the 2016 BOR score was 33, 17%, LOS 3.5 days, TOI 7.1 days, BTO 34.6 times and 2017 BOR value 47.7%, LOS 3.4 days, TOI 3.8 days, BTO 50.6 times. The inpatient service policy in the hospital was in the form of realtime patient data input and SIMRS implementation policy. Judging from human resource policies, prsarana facilities and systems have deficiencies. The cause of policy setting related to efficiency is due to a low BOR value. The Bhayangkara Polda DIY Hospital conducted equal distribution of hospitalization beds, the addition of more up-to-date medical equipment, and medical records officers were included in training and seminar activities. 

Keywords: Efficiency, Policy, Medical Record


