
  • Sri Wahyuningsih Nugraheni
  • Lathifa Perwitasari


flow, procedure, accreditation, clinic


     Survei awal menunjukkan ketidaksesuaian yaitu petugas dan pasien melaksanakan alur dan prosedur berdasarkan pada pemahaman pelaksanaan (kebiasaan) yang sudah ada. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan alur dan prosedur pendaftaran berdasarkan Standar Akreditasi Klinik di Klinik Haidar Medika Karanganyar. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif, dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Variabel yang digunakan yaitu alur dan prosedur berdasarkan Standar Akreditasi Klinik, pelaksanaan alur dan prosedur berdasarkan Standar Akreditasi Klinik, cara mengetahui kepuasan dan tindak lanjut ketidakpuasan serta jaminan keselamatan pasien di tempat pendaftaran. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah petugas pendaftaran dan objek yang diamati adalah alur dan prosedur pendaftaran. Teknik pengumpulan data observasi dan wawancara. Pengolahan data dengan pengumpulan, editing, klasifikasi data dan penyajian data. Analisis dilakukan secara deskriptif. Alur dan prosedur pendaftaran belum tertuang dalam  Standar Prosedur Operasional. Pelaksanaan alur dan prosedur dilakukan sesuai kebiasaan karena kurang informatif. Cara mengetahui kepuasan pasien dilakukan secara lisan dan tidak terdokumentasi. Tindak lanjut ketidakpuasan pasien dilakukan secara langsung. Jaminan keselamatan pasien masih kurang karena sistem penomoran manual dan penyimpanan family folder tanpa map sangat berpotensi menimbulkan duplikasi dan kehilangan serta tidak ada kode khusus pembeda antar anggota yang berpotensi tertukarnya rekam medis.


Kata kunci : alur,  prosedur, akreditasi, klinik


 The initial survey showed discrepancies, namely officers and patients carrying out pathways and procedures based on understanding existing practices. The purpose of this study is to describe the flow and registration procedures based on Clinical Accreditation Standards at Haidar Medika Karanganyar Clinic. This research is descriptive, with a cross sectional approach. The variables used are flow and procedure based on Clinical Accreditation Standards, implementation of the flow and procedures based on Clinical Accreditation Standards, how to know satisfaction and follow-up dissatisfaction and guarantee the safety of patients at the registration site. The subjects in this study were registration officers and the objects observed were the flow and registration procedures. Techniques for collecting observation and interview data. Processing data by collecting, editing, classifying data and presenting data. The analysis was carried out descriptively. The flow and registration procedures have not been contained in the Standard Operating Procedure. The implementation of the grooves and procedures is done according to custom because it is not informative. How to find out patient satisfaction is done orally and not documented. Follow-up of patient dissatisfaction is carried out directly. The guarantee of patient safety is still lacking because manual numbering systems and family storage folders without folders have the potential to cause duplication and loss and there is no special code of differentiation between members who have the potential to exchange medical records.

Keywords: flow, procedure, accreditation, clinic


