Peer Review Process
All submitted manuscripts will be read and selected in advance by the editorial staff. Manuscripts that have been evaluated by editors that do not meet the criteria for an Infokes journal will be rejected immediately without reviewer review, while manuscripts that meet the criteria are then reviewed by reviewers.
Based on the results of the review, the reviewer will make a decision regarding the manuscript sent with the following possibilities:
- Accept articles without any revisions given.
- Provide revisions without having to do a re-review. After the writer revised the manuscript, it immediately proceeded to the editing process.
- Provide revisions and after the author has revised the manuscript is reviewed again.
- Manuscripts are rejected and suggested to be submitted to other journals.
- Reject writing because the quality does not meet the requirements.
- Revision is needed according to the reviewer's suggestion (in the form of recommendations)
The Review Process is as follows:
- The author submits the manuscript
- Editor's Evaluation [some manuscripts were rejected or returned before the review process]
- The review process by the reviewer
- Copyediting
- publication
*) The chief editor of Infokes has full rights to decide which manuscript will be published.