Implementasi Augmented Reality Guna Mengembangkan Karakter Bangsa


Azka Nur Azizah
Yuninda Tri Desianti
Arinia Hasna Yuniarti
Taqy Muhammad Fadhil
Muhammad Narjun Najich


Today teenagers are feeling the effects of technological advancements and highly advanced information in the society 5.0 era. One result of this was that they did not understand Pancasila, which could cause a range of conflicting beliefs to arise. Today's youth hardly know what Pancasila is. As a result, the principles contained in Pancasila should be applied promptly. The first step to take was to gain an understanding of the meaning of the Pancasila symbols on the eagles. In addition, the article presents the implementation of augmented reality (AR) to develop the character of its principal nation to strengthen pancasila values. By applying the concept of augmented reality (AR) to the Pancasila education approach, it is hoped to create an interesting and fun atmosphere of learning by viewing 3d objects that pamper the eyes of students.


How to Cite
Azizah, A. N. ., Desianti, Y. T., Yuniarti, A. H., Fadhil, T. M., & Najich, M. N. (2024). Implementasi Augmented Reality Guna Mengembangkan Karakter Bangsa. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hukum, Bisnis, Sains Dan Teknologi, 4(1). Retrieved from