Legal Policy On Leave Applications Of Ministers-Mayors Participating In The Presidential Election


  • Muhammad Zulhidayat Universitas Riau



legal policy, leave, presidential election, minister, mayor


President Joko Widodo gave permission for ministers, ministerial-level officials, and regional heads not to resign from their positions even if they run in the 2024 presidential election. This is as the rules issued in Government Regulation Number 53 of 2023 amending Government Regulation Number 32 of 2018 concerning Procedures for Resignation in the Nomination of Members of the House of Representatives (DPR), Members of the Regional House of Representatives, President and Vice President, Request for Permission for the Nomination of President and Vice President, and Leave for the Implementation of the General Election Campaign. This is problematic because the non-resignation of these state officials will affect the neutrality of the elections in 2024, this is because these state officials are feared to take advantage of their status and position to win votes in the upcoming Presidential Election. As has been described above related to official cars used to transport billboards of candidate pairs and interventions against ASNs on duty in their respective regions or agencies. This research uses normative juridical research methods. by conducting a study of PP Number 53 of 2023 is the object of study in this study along with related regulations. PP Number 53 of 2023 is the focus of analysis.


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How to Cite

Muhammad Zulhidayat. (2023). Legal Policy On Leave Applications Of Ministers-Mayors Participating In The Presidential Election. International Journal of Law and Legal Ethics (IJLLE), 4(2), 39–46.