Legal Necessity Analysis Of The Issuance Of Job Creation Law


  • Yudi Harimurti Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
  • Azizah
  • Rusmilawati Windari



Necessity Analysis, Job Creation, Legal syncronization


The continuity of the Indonesian state is very dependent on the relationship between the government and people and the two main components of the country are interdependent. The Indonesian government needs the people for the legitimacy of  administering the state, while the Indonesian people need the government for protection in state life. In principle, the reciprocal relationship is to achieve national goals and realize national goals. As a rule of law, all state activities must be based on law and have even become a legal necessity. The legal products of State of Indonesia are the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and the laws and regulations that were followed up on Law Number 12 0f 2011 concerning the Formation of Legislation. Law Number 15 of 2019 concerning Amendments to Law Number 12 0f 2011 concerning the Formation of Legislation, Law Number 13 0f 2022 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 12 0f 2011 concerning the Formation of Legislation. This research is a normative research, using a statute approach and a conceptual approach as well as analysis using a deductive method. The results of this research should manifest the synchronization of legal requirements in the administration of the Indonesian State.The continuity of the Indonesian state is very dependent on the relationship between the government and people and the two main components of the country are interdependent. The Indonesian government needs the people for the legitimacy of administering the state, while the Indonesian people need the government for protection in state life. In principle, the reciprocal relationship is to achieve national goals and realize national goals. As a rule of law, all state activities must be based on law and have even become a legal necessity. The legal products of State of Indonesia are the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and the laws and regulations that were followed up on Law Number 12 0f 2011 concerning the Formation of Legislation. Law Number 15 of 2019 concerning Amendments to Law Number 12 0f 2011 concerning the Formation of Legislation, Law Number 13 0f 2022 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 12 0f 2011 concerning the Formation of Legislation. This research is a normative research, using a statute approach and a conceptual approach as well as analysis using a deductive method. The results of this research should manifest the synchronization of legal requirements in the administration of the Indonesian State.


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How to Cite

Harimurti, Y., Azizah, & Rusmilawati Windari. (2023). Legal Necessity Analysis Of The Issuance Of Job Creation Law. International Journal of Law and Legal Ethics (IJLLE), 4(2), 6–12.