Peranan Organisasi Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate (Pencak Silat) Dalam Menumbuhkan Sikap Patriotisme Di Lingkup Kota Surakarta
Pencak silat PSHT is a fraternal organization which is a silat "school" which aims to educate and form virtuous people, who know right from wrong, are devoted to God Almighty, teach loyalty to one's own heart and prioritize brotherhood between citizens. The purpose of this article is to explain the role of the Teratr Faithful Brotherhood Organization (pencak silat) in fostering an attitude of patriotism within the city of Surakarta. The subjects of this research were members of the Faithful Heart Terate Brotherhood in the Surakarta City Area. Data collection techniques by conducting literature studies, observations and interviews with respondents, namely from 10 members of the Surakarta PSHT College.
The results of the research show that there is: The role of the Terate Faithful Brotherhood Organization in fostering an attitude of patriotism in the Surakarta City Scope. This shows that the higher the role of the Terate Faithful Brotherhood organization, the better it will be in fostering an attitude of patriotism.