Implementasi Nilai Pancasila Sila ke 2 Sebagai Sumber Etika, Moral, Dan Karakter Dalam Penerapan Pelayanan Kesehatan


Pramudita Nabilla Putri Abel


This research aims to determine the implementation of the values of Pancasila Principle 2. Based on the results of the research and discussion, the conclusion is that the material principles contain Pancasila values. The function of Pancasila education is to build national character which must be maintained. Likewise, it is necessary to develop values, namely the Pancasila Ethics values, to become the nation's fundamentals in order to strengthen the integrity of health service providers, namely nurses. As a real effort to preserve the noble values of Pancasila, it is necessary to instill understanding in the nation's future generations, one of which is through Pancasila education at the next level of education. by making Pancasila values as guiding principles so that you become a good citizen, especially in the application of nursing ethics.

Keywords: nurse, characters, nurse ethics.


How to Cite
Abel, P. N. P. (2024). Implementasi Nilai Pancasila Sila ke 2 Sebagai Sumber Etika, Moral, Dan Karakter Dalam Penerapan Pelayanan Kesehatan. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hukum, Bisnis, Sains Dan Teknologi, 4(1). Retrieved from